
검찰/1,000만명 분의 `헤로인`원료 `무수초산 Acetic anhydride` 밀수입자 업체 적발

삼스카라 2009. 9. 7. 16:11

Synonyms: ACETIC OXIDE, ACETYL ANHYDRIDE, ACETYL ETHER, Formula : C4H6O3, (CH3CO)2O < 3D View Mol File >

회사 경영이 어려워진 업체 대표가 1,000만명 이상이 투약할 수 있는

헤로인제조 원료물질 '무수초산(Acetic anhydride)을 밀수출하려다 덜미를 잡혔다.

서울중앙지검 마약조직범죄수사부(부장 김영진)는 6일

(마약류 관리에 관한 법률 위반 등)로 모 염색업체 박모 대표(39)를 구속 기소하고

무수초산 10.640kg을 압수했다고 밝혔다.

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'무수초산' 10여t을 3억원에 밀수출키로 합의한 뒤 자신의 공장에서 20ℓ짜리

용기 532개에 나눠 담은 '무수초산'을 컨테이너에

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바깥쪽에는원단을 적재하는 속칭 ‘커튼치기’ 수법을 사용했으며

무수초산을 실은 컨테이너는 지난달 17일 인천항에서

중국 외항선에 선적된 뒤 아프카니스탄으로 떠날 예정이었다.

'무수초산'의 수출목적지인 아프가니스탄은 전 세계 아편 생산량의 90% 이상이 생산되는

‘황금의 초승달지대(Golden Crescent·아프가니스탄, 파키스탄, 이란)’로

2008년이곳에서 생산된 아편은

모두 7,700t에 달하는 것으로 알려졌다.

'무수초산'은 생아편과 수산화칼슘을 가열해 만든

‘모르핀 베이스’를 헤로인 분말로 만드는 과정에 필요한 원료 물질로

헤로인 1㎏ 제조에는 무수초산 1∼2㎏이 필요하다.


국내에서 유통되는 무수초산(2008년 기준)

미국 EASTMAN (200 M/T)

미국 CELANESS(5,250 M/T)

일본 DASEL(4,060 M/T)

3사에서 수입되고 있다

셀라니즈와 다이셀의 물량이 국내 97% M/Share를 점유하고 있으며

셀라니즈 울산의 VOTT

다이셀은 JTT를 이용하고 있으며

이스트만은 소량을 FCL로 운영하고 있다.

가장 많은 수요처는 한국BASF, Korea-PTG이며

Poly imide,산성농도조절,의약합성용,담배필터 Tow,계면활성제가 대부분이다.

내가 운영하는 화사도 월 100 M/T을 Handling 하고 있어

식약청 및 국가기관의 검열이 불가피할 것으로 보인다.


무수초산(Acetic anhydride)


Acetic anhydride is produced by carbonylation of methyl acetate:

CH3CO2CH3 + CO → (CH3CO)2O

This process involves the conversion of methyl acetate to methyl iodide and an acetate salt. Carbonylation of the methyl iodide in turn affords acetyl iodide, which reacts with acetate salts or acetic acid to give the product. Rhodium and lithium iodides are employed as catalysts. Because acetic anhydride is not stable in water, the conversion is conducted under anhydrous conditions. In contrast, the Monsanto acetic acid process, which also involves a rhodium catalyzed carbonylation of methyl iodide, is at least partially aqueous.

To a decreasing extent, acetic anhydride is also prepared by the reaction of ketene with acetic acid at 45–55ºC and low pressure (0.05–0.2bar).

H2C=C=O + CH3COOH → (CH3CO)2O (ΔH = −63 kJ/mol)

Ketene is generated by dehydrating acetic acid at 700–750ºC in the presence of triethyl phosphate as a catalyst or (in Switzerland and the CIS) by the thermolysis of acetone at 600–700ºC in the presence of carbon disulfide as a catalyst.

CH3COOH is in equilibrium with H2C=C=O + H2O (ΔH = +147 kJ/mol)
CH3COCH3 → H2C=C=O + CH4

The route from acetic acid to acetic anhydride via ketene was developed by Wacker Chemie in 1922, when the demand for acetic anhydride increased due to the production of cellulose acetate.

Due to its low cost, acetic anhydride is purchased, not prepared, for use in research laboratories.


Acetic anhydride is a versatile reagent for acetylations, the introduction of acetyl groups to organic substrates. In these conversions, acetic anhydride is viewed as a source of CH3CO+. Alcohols and amines are readily acetylated. For example, the reaction of acetic anhydride with ethanol yields ethyl acetate:


Often a base such as pyridine is added to function as catalyst. In specialized applications, Lewis acidic scandium salts have also proven effective catalysts.

Aromatic rings are acetylated, usually in the presence of an acid catalyst. Illustrative is the conversion of benzene to acetophenone:

(CH3CO)2O + C6H6 → CH3COC6H5 + CH3CO2H

Ferrocene may be acetylated too:

Cp2Fe + (CH3CO)2O → CpFe(C5H4COCH3)


Acetic anhydride dissolves in water to approximately 2.6% by weight. Aqueous solutions have limited stability because, like most acid anhydrides, acetic anhydride hydrolyses to give acetic acid:

(CH3CO)2O + H2O → 2 CH3CO2H


As indicated by its organic chemistry, Ac2O is mainly used for acetylations leading to commercially significant materials. Its largest application is for the conversion of cellulose to cellulose acetate, which is a component of photographic film and other coated materials. Similarly it is used in the production of aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid, which is prepared by the acetylation of salicylic acid. It is also used as a wood preservative via autoclave impregnation to make a longer lasting timber.

Because of its use for the synthesis of heroin by the diacetylation of morphine, acetic anhydride is listed as a U.S. DEA List II precursor, and restricted in many other countries.


Acetic anhydride is an irritant and flammable. Because of its reactivity toward water, alcohol foam or carbon dioxide are preferred for fire suppression.the vapour of acetic anhydride is harmful.

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